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Introduction Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which employ under 250 people, ensure that countless products and services are available in every corner of Ireland. As such, SMEs are the backbone of the Irish economy. Yet many financial institutions don’t seem to recognise their importance or make allowances for the endless challenges SMEs must overcome to […]

crowdfunding fund

Merchant Cash Advance Loans in Ireland

Merchant Cash Advance A merchant cash advance is a short-term business loan that a business in Ireland can take out against future sales and is repaid on a daily basis as a percent of the daily sales. The business allows the lender to track their sales and take small, continuous payments until the loan has been repaid. […]

Business Financing: 4 Lesser-Known Options You Should Consider

What is Business Financing Business Financing is an investment that a business takes out for commercial purposes. This can be to make short term payments, invest in marketing or to create new growth opportunities. Pretty much anything that a business might need to spend money on can be considered as part of the finances, and […]

GRID Foundation – The National Fintech Awards

Today marks 10 years since myself and my best friend Sean O’Riordan signed the incorporation papers for GRID. So I thought it would be a good day to outline the launch of one of our centrepiece initiatives in the GRID Foundation – The National Fintech Awards. The National Fintech Awards will be the first of […]

Day 2 at Money 20/20

It was a fantastic Day 2 here at Money20/20. Absolutely delighted to meet with Andrea Linehan (our former Marketing genius) and the indomitable Colm Lyons from Fire. I also had the pleasure of meeting with UK Cash Advance business 365 Finance. Some reflections from Day 2  Still a general sense that we are in a […]

Day 1 at Money 20/20

Delighted to be here at Money 20/20 for the first time. Sharing some thoughts and notes from the event for those who are interested.  Firstly the event is huge – the largest Fintech event in the world. All the main streams are covered and it is a bastion of everything that is happening in Fintech […]

Our Survey Says

Please excuse my use of the that classic Family Fortunes phrase! We are delighted to finally have the bandwidth and budget to do our own research on SME Financial Health. We think there is not enough discussion on the financial health and resilience of SME’s in Ireland. We are not expert data story tellers but […]

Derek Fintech Awards

Launching the GRID Foundation

It is just 10 years since I came back to Ireland to do something about the banking problem. With any plan that is based on a set of ideals (and frankly naivety) the journey is full of ups and downs and twists and turns.  I was reading a Ranulph Fiennes book recently and the quote […]

App Deep Dive

When you sign up for analytics with GRID or add it to your existing account, we take into account the industry sector you are working in and the size of your business. Similar businesses is a feature that allows you to compare your business’ banking health and spending history with all other Analytics users. By […]

Business Benefits of Analytics

Data analytics is a process of finding meaning in numbers to business’ actionable insights, helping them achieve their goals and increasing efficiencies.   Analytics surrounds our daily lives. Streaming apps use analytics to recommend movies you might like. Shopping apps tempt you into buying more than you intended using analytics. Ever try to cancel a […]

Additional cost-of-living package

Last week, the Government announced an additional cost-of-living package worth €1.3bn. The main focus of the package was providing additional support to families via a variety of targeted measures due to be paid in April and June. For businesses, the supports announced were extensions of existing schemes rather than any new ones. The most significant […]